What do I need to provide for my child at nursery?
You need to supply your child with nappies, wipes and creams for babies and toddlers as required. Mid-Morning and afternoon snacks are provided however, meals are not. You need to supply your child with either hot or cold lunch and tea. A spare set of clothes clearly labelled, for all children is needed.
What time is meal times?
Lunch is at 11:45am and Tea is at 4:00pm
How often do the children go outside?
All children go outside at least once a day, as we have artificial grass and can use the garden all year round. We have all-in-one suits, but wellies for wet days are a great help.
How safe is my child?
At Cherubs your child's safety is paramount. We are a secure building and can only enter by being let in by a member of staff or using our fingerprint recognition system. We have CCTV which monitors the garden and front door, as well as internal NurseryCam.
What if I want to take my child on holiday?
Each child is entitled to 50% on a maximum of 2 ‘nursery weeks’ (from September to August). 4 weeks notice is required by filling in a holiday request form.
Do you accept childcare vouchers?
Yes, we accept all nursery vouchers.
How do I pay?
Fees can be paid directly into the nursery's bank account, by cash, cheque or in the form of nursery vouchers.
Are you open all year round?
Yes, we are open Monday to Friday all year with the exception of Bank Holidays and a few extra days over the Christmas and the New Year period.